Community Commitment
The ES2 Directors have from the conception of the company encouraged and provided support to charities, causes and our local communities wherever this has been possible. Some of ES2’s social and community initiatives include:
ES2 Kids
ES2 has formed ‘ES2 Kids’ as a not-for-profit foundation whose aim is to provide kids of school age with cyber awareness skills. We are all parents or have children in our immediate family circle and realise that kids do not really listen to the cyber advice from parents or teachers and that for awareness to be accepted and followed it must become an integral part of our children’s culture at the earliest possible opportunity.
ES2 Kids proposes to empower a select number of school age cyber champions and ambassadors to teach and encourage their peers within their age group. This foundation is still in production but will include free advisory mobile applications and merchandise to assist and enhance the learning process.
CEO Sleepout
Annual sponsorship of the ‘CEO Sleepout’ event with our Managing Director taking an active part to raising money in aid of the ‘St Vincent DePaul’ charity to help those less fortunate that us within our local area.
ES2 has been a fundamental part of the ‘Putt4Dough’ annual IT charity golf event which has been responsible for raising some amazing amounts of money to support the Perth Children’s hospital. Our MD is a member of the charity board in his own time and in addition to membership fees, ES2 makes a sizeable corporate donation to this charity. ES2 creates, manages and hosts the Putt4Dough website on behalf of this charity event.
Skills for Life
ES2 has for the past five years sponsored an orphaned young lady in a remote part of Thailand through the ‘Skills for Life’ program. Our sponsorship has ensured that she has been able to live in a safe and educational environment and has ensured that she has received a good education through to university which she completes later this year. This has been a very rewarding sponsorship for ES2 who receive regular updates on her progress.
Netball Sponsorship
ES2 sponsors a whole league of young netball players in Perth’s Northern Suburbs, this has allowed the teams within the league to have matching and professional looking uniforms for their Saturday morning games.
Cricket Sponsorship
Similar to the netball sponsorship, ES2 sponsors a junior cricket team, enabling them to have smart and professional looking uniforms.
Surf Life Saving Sponsorship
ES2’s most recent sponsorship activity is the sponsoring of Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club; Mullaloo is Perth’s third largest SLSC and ES2 is very proud to have been given the opportunity to support this worthy and very Australian cause.
Alwyn Brown Memorial Award
Alwyn Brown was a popular ES2 employee of ES2 who sadly and unexpectedly passed away. Alwyn had been a graduate of Curtin university so ES2 now annually presents this award to the most worthy cyber security student at Curtin. In keeping with Alwyn’s own nature the student does not have to be the top student but must show passion for the cyber topic and must have some entrepreneurial ambition. The student receives a certificate, an ES2 backpack and merchandise, a cash award and two weeks work experience with ES2.
Graduate Support
ES2 loves to support the graduates of Perth’s universities and hosts ad-hoc events or supports university organised events to ensure that graduates are prepared for life after study. It is our aim to dispel myths and to provide realistic advice that help graduates move on to the next stage of their career.
Annually, ES2 takes on an ECU intern as part of their Workplace Interactive Learning (WIL) program. Interns get to experience all aspects of life working for ES2 including Governance, Risk and Compliance, Technical Security and Security Managed Services that will give them valuable experience to support them in the next stages of their career.
Wembley Golf Club
ES2 was an inaugural supporter of the Wembley Golf Club and partakes or supports many of the charity events hosted by this organisation.
Talk about IT
ES2 sponsors WA events for Talk about IT, who provide support for men suffering from anxiety, depression and other mental health issues.
Starlight Children’s Foundation
The starlight children’s foundation is a very well-known and well supported charity. ES2 have been proud to be invited to and to support their charitable events and auctions which in turn supports making at least some dreams come true for children with terminal illness.
WA Game Changer Awards
ES2 are also a proud to have been a sponsor for the last two years, of the WA Game Changer Awards this organisation is responsible for encouraging kids in STEM and innovation.

Diversity and Inclusion
ES2 is a company that embraces diversity and makes an effort to ensure that all staff feel included as valuable members of our ES2 family. Some of the ways in which we manifest this are:
Local Staff and Services
ES2 hires local staff in full support of providing employment to local West Australians and in support of the local community. Similarly, ES2 provides a recruitment function (ES2 People) that helps West Australian IT workers to find full time or contract employment. The ES2 sales strategy was documented to favour local vendors and suppliers as further evidence of our local commitment.
Employment Compliance
ES2 employment is conducted entirely within compliance of Australian and West Australian legislative requirements. This is supported and enforced through the publication of ES2’s employment policy.
Cultural Diversity
ES2 are an equal opportunity employer and are very proud of the cultural diversity of the organisation and take every opportunity to celebrate that diversity. The three founding directors of ES2 all come from different countries/cultures of origin, this diversity has continued throughout our history, at the time of writing, the current ES2 employee list includes staff members with families originating from more than 17 different countries.
Cultural Inclusion
Each member of the ES2 family regardless of background is requested to nominate a cultural day or activity for ES2 to celebrate. These celebrations are sometimes breakfast activities or a cultural lunch or even an evening get together event. The most common celebration is a lunch where, with guidance from the employee, ES2 provides traditional foods that form a part of that cultural celebration. These have always been well received by our employees to the extent where some have attended wearing cultural attire.
ES2’s employees include a number of military veterans who have provided service on a global basis amounting to a considerable combined length of service time.
Gender Equality
At one stage 30% of ES2 employees were female, although this number has varied throughout ES2’s time. International Women’s day is another activity that ES2 embraces to ensure that all our female employees are recognised and feel fully included. Almost 50% of our employee of the month recipients are female across the 18 months that this program has been running.
Employee Recognition
ES2 operates a number of recognition programs including ‘Employee of the Month’ and ‘Big-Up’ awards to ensure that our staff are aware of the appreciation of their value to the organisation.